5550 Thornburn Street, Los Angeles, CA 90045
Phone: 310-348-8212
Sunday Mass Schedule:
ALL Sunday Masses are held indoors.
Times are 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00 pm (noon) and 5:00pm
Our 8am and 10am Masses are currently "Zoomed" for those who wish to view in the parking lot or from home.
Visit: www.zoom.com
Webinar ID: 661442999 Password: 162954
Weekday Masses: Mon-Sat at 8:00am inside the Church
Adoration: Weekdays at our outside Chapel 9am - 3:15pm.
Our current office schedule is as follows:
The Rectory is closed on Fridays & Saturdays.
Phone hours are Mon-Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm &1:00pm-4:00pm.
In person office hours are available by appointment on
Sundays between 8am-11am, and
Mon-Thurs, 10:00 am-12:00 pm and 1:00 pm-3:00 pm.
Confessions: Saturdays 1:30pm-2:30pm and by Appointment
Please call the Rectory office for questions
and to schedule any appts.
Youth Ministry
At Saint Jerome, we strive to help our teens and middle school students grow closer to their faith, form bonds with their peers, and share their love and devotion to God. We work to address any questions they may have along their journey in faith and love. We invest in the lives of our students by meeting them where they are, inviting them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and teaching them what it means to be a follower of Christ. We are dedicated to providing opportunities for our middle school, teens, and young adults to participate in service, worship, and evangelization. We encourage our students to answer the missionary call in a concrete, formational, and life-changing way that leads middle school, teen, and young adult families and communities closer to Christ.
Confirmation Preparation
This is a two-year program, typically beginning in the 9th grade, that is designed to prepare youth for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The program strives to help young people build understanding of the Catholic faith, experience Christian discipleship in the context of a Catholic faith community, become immersed in a life of community service to others, deepen their relationships with Jesus, and prepare their hearts for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Life Teen Program
This is a Sunday afternoon gathering of teens to share food, friends and fellowship. Life Teen is a Eucharist-centered movement within the Catholic Church that leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. Teens learn more about their Catholic faith, meet other teens who love the Lord, and experience opportunities to become closer to Christ.
For more information, please contact Florence Solis at sjlaconfirmation@gmail.com
or (213) 841-6775
Interested in volunteering
as a Peer Minister?
Fill out the document below and send to sjlaconfirmation@gmail.com